Monday, August 27, 2018

Setting up your Edison Tech Photography Blog!!!

This post will help you set up your Google Drives and blogs. Because of the amount of storage we use in this class, everyone should set up a new Blogger account and new blog under that account for this school year.This will provide us all with a fresh start and prevent us from running out of space mid-year.

Part 1: Setting up a Blogger account 

Click here to set up a Blogger account. (This will be your Photo class blog.) You may choose any free template you like, but keep in mind that you will need to post both text and images, so you should pick a template that supports both of these requirements well. Use your real email address (preferably your district Gmail) – you will have to verify your email in order to publish blog posts. 
Log into your email account, open the email from Blogger, and click on the link to verify your email address. You will not be able to publish any posts until you have completed this step. 

Part 2: Logging into your district Gmail account 

Click here to log into your district Gmail account. Your username will be your student ID # Ex., and your password is your district computer password. (Your district gmail account has unlimited storage space and will give you access to DropBox, which is a great free way to back up your files.) 
Email Mr. Kroll ( from your district Gmail account. You will not receive credit if you email me from another email client. Your email should include: 
Your first and last name plus your class and day (ex. 5AC) 
A link to your Blogger blog. For example, “Edison Tech Photo – Our blog is URL” 
Part 3: Publishing your first blog post

Publish your first post by clicking on the "Publish" button at the top right of your Blogger screen

Include the following:
Post an image that represents you or your interests by following these steps:
Go to 
type in what you are looking for (ex. “funktastic kicks”) 
click on the image you want to download 
control +click -> save images as 
save the image to your desktop 
Click on the “picture frame icon” button at the top 
Click on “upload” 
Click on “choose files” 
Select the image you want to insert 

Write a paragraph with the answers to the following questions:

1. What do you hope to accomplish, learn, or create in Photo this year?
2. Whose is responsible if the computer crashes and your project disappears? What will happen?
3. How will you back up your work?
4. Is food allowed in the Classroom?
5. List the circumstance under which I may not be able to offer you extra help:
6. List some easy ways you feel you could gain participation points:
7. List some easy ways you feel you could lose participation points:
8. Do you have access to a digital camera (this includes a cell phone camera)? Do you feel comfortable using this camera for class projects?
9. If you have been in my class before, list some advice for people who have never had me as a teacher:
10. If you have never been in my class, list some ways I can help you succeed in this class: 
Click “publish” at the top of the screen to publish your post. 

If you have time, set up the “About” page on your blog.
Need help? Please follow the following process: 
Check the blog 
Ask two classmates 
Still stuck? Raise your hand and Mr. Kroll or email him. He will help you as soon as he is available. 

Homework: Set up your Blog!!!