Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Artist Bio : Sebastião Salgado

© Sebastião Salgado

Economics PhD Sebastião Salgado only took up photography in his 30's, but the discipline became an obsession. His years-long projects beautifully capture the human side of a global story that all too often involves death, destruction or decay. Here, he tells a deeply personal story of the craft that nearly killed him, and shows breathtaking images from his latest work, Genesis, which documents the world's forgotten people and places.

Students do a daily "Bell Work" activity analyzing a significant or historical photo. They must make written comments about the composition, contrast, focus, balance, framing and statements each photo or artist is making. This is our daily warm up exercise. We also watched a video on Ted Talks by this iconic modern photographer.

Interactive transcript

Sebastião Salgado
Full bio

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