Wednesday, November 28, 2018

My Rochester: Portraits

Essential questions: 

How can I use the composition elements of: Line, Space, Shape, Shadow, Setting & Context to create interesting portrait photographs with good contrast and composition about individuals in Rochester? 

How can I capture on film the natures and personalities of my subjects in a way that my viewers can understand and relate to?

You will take photos, trying to capture, Portrait Photography in interesting ways in black and white. You must post your best photos to your blog AND write a 250 word reflection following the instructions on the class blog post and you must have at least 12 photo examples of Portraits posted to your blog in order to receive full credit plus the reflection!

Also, include a few sentences describing what you learned from this exercise about Portraits & Illustration in photography and how you were influenced by Martin Munkacsi and Richard Avadon's photographic portrait work.

Project Requirements:

1). 12-15 quality, edited (if necessary) photographs of Portrait Photography of unique individuals united by the theme “My Rochester”.

2). Photos are to be black & white using the settings and filters in your cell phone or camera.

3). Photos should fit all criteria of good photography discussed up this point. (ie. composition, defined vantage & focal points; proper lighting & contrast; interesting angles; clear subjects in focus; a sense of narrative that tells a story; backgrounds that adds to, rather than detract from, the subject of the photo)

4). 250 word artist statement in the same blog post as the final 12 edited photos

 Use the Rule of Thirds to help with the overall composition.

Students must post their results to their your blogs to get credit and a grade for this assignment. 

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